Local doctor says cold weather can make asthma worse
Colder weather can cause more severe symptoms in asthma sufferers.
Physicians and yogis agree: Breathing through the nose is best
Breathing through the nose is a common practice in yoga, thanks to its many benefits.
Sinus infections can lead to temporary hearing loss and painful ear symptoms
Eustachian tubes are small tubes that run between your middle ears and upper throat.
Chronic sinus problems can increase your risk of experiencing depression
Approximately 10 million Americans suffer from seasonal depression, also known as seasonal affective disorder, each year.
Even stars like Lindsay Lohan struggle with sinus problems
Lindsay Lohan, the star of "Falling for Christmas," has struggled with sinus problems during her career.
Local doctor says a symptom of sinusitis is pain or pressure in the face
Sinus infections and other illnesses are more common during the winter months.
Local doctor says his patients are surprised by dramatic quality-of-life improvement after treatment
Sinus infections can lead to a loss of taste and smell.
Local doctor says having a Christmas tree in your home can trigger allergy symptoms
Though many people suffer from allergies year-round, the holiday season can be especially triggering.
Local doctor suggests saving money this holiday season by taking advantage of your deductible
Most Americans who get health insurance through their employer have an annual deductible.
Local doctor says there is potential for chronic sinusitis sufferers to develop erectile dysfunction
People who suffer from chronic sinusitis are at risk of developing erectile dysfunction.