Latest News on Scottsdale

Scottsdale doctor: ‘You never want to wait until your sinuses are an absolute mess’

Scottsdale doctor: ‘You never want to wait until your sinuses are an absolute mess’

Sinus infections, also called sinusitis, are common medical conditions that can become more serious the longer they go untreated. Dr. Brian Lee of Scottsdale Sinus and Allergy Center said that early intervention is crucial in treating sinusitis.

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Scottsdale doctor: ‘When people start to take a lot of antibiotics, they can start to build up resistance’

Scottsdale doctor: ‘When people start to take a lot of antibiotics, they can start to build up resistance’

Antibiotics are frequently prescribed to address sinusitis, but excessive usage may pose significant risks to a patient's well-being. Dr. Brian Lee of Scottsdale Sinus and Allergy said that antibiotic resistance is something that can develop and should be something to keep in mind.

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 Scottsdale doctor: 'When people get sick, they get better, then they get sick again, and they go up and down'

Scottsdale doctor: 'When people get sick, they get better, then they get sick again, and they go up and down'

During the winter, sinus infection rates increase. While there are a number of home remedies available, if symptoms persist for longer than 10 days, it's best to see a specialist.

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 Scottsdale doctor: 'When the sinuses get inflamed, they swell shut, and they trap air and mucus'

Scottsdale doctor: 'When the sinuses get inflamed, they swell shut, and they trap air and mucus'

If you're grappling with headaches, they could be stemming from sinus congestion. Dr. Brian Lee of Scottsdale Sinus and Allergy Center said sinus issues can lead to facial pain, resulting in headaches.

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Scottsdale doctor says most patients 'have some component of allergies contributing to their sinonasal issues'

Scottsdale doctor says most patients 'have some component of allergies contributing to their sinonasal issues'

Year-round, indoor allergies can pose challenges, particularly in the winter, when you spend more time indoors. Dr. Brian Lee of Scottsdale Sinus and Allergy Center said many of their patients suffer from allergies, and they aim to provide them with long-lasting treatment.

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Scottsdale doctor: 'Millions of people that are suffering with chronic sinus issues, all of these issues trickle down into every facet of their lives'

Scottsdale doctor: 'Millions of people that are suffering with chronic sinus issues, all of these issues trickle down into every facet of their lives'

Millions of Americans struggle with seasonal depression during the winter, and sinus issues could be a contributing factor. Dr. Brian Lee of Scottsdale Sinus and Allergy Center said the issues that come from chronic sinusitis can affect every component of one's life.

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Scottsdale doctor: 'With eustachian tube dysfunction, that tube just is not working properly'

Scottsdale doctor: 'With eustachian tube dysfunction, that tube just is not working properly'

If you're dealing with ear pain, trouble hearing, or the feeling of your ears being clogged, you might be dealing with eustachian tube dysfunction. Dr. Brian Lee of Scottsdale Sinus and Allergy Center said ETD causes pressure to build up in the ears.

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 Scottsdale doctor on sinus treatment: 'We're able to do these procedures in the office under local anesthesia'

Scottsdale doctor on sinus treatment: 'We're able to do these procedures in the office under local anesthesia'

One strategy for cutting costs before the end of the year is to make the most of your health insurance if you've met your deductible. Many sinusitis sufferers have the opportunity to treat their issues at a lower cost during this time, and Dr. Brian Lee of Scottsdale Sinus and Allergy said a balloon sinuplasty procedure can be done right in the office to treat sinusitis.

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Scottsdale doctor on holiday season allergies: Goal is to 'keep patients feeling better'

Scottsdale doctor on holiday season allergies: Goal is to 'keep patients feeling better'

During the holiday season, many people might find themselves struggling with allergies that cling to decorations, such as dust or mold. Dr. Brian Lee of Scottsdale Sinus and Allergy Center said his clinic always tests sinus patients for allergies since they affect most of them in some way.

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Scottsdale doctor says sinusitis patients 'run the risk of developing resistant bacteria in their sinuses' if they overuse antibiotics

Scottsdale doctor says sinusitis patients 'run the risk of developing resistant bacteria in their sinuses' if they overuse antibiotics

Patients oftentimes use antibiotics to treat their sinus issues, but it's crucial to keep in mind that misusing them could lead to antibiotic resistance. Dr. Brian Lee of Scottsdale Sinus and Allergy Center said that patients who are on antibiotics for a long period of time may develop other health issues.

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