Latest News on Scottsdale

Scottsdale doctor on balloon sinuplasty: 'It's a tool that we can use to help to permanently open up the sinuses'
Sinusitis can be a problem for more than just your sinuses, and two of these problems can be loss of smell and loss of taste. Dr. Brian Lee of Scottsdale Sinus and Allergy Center said balloon sinuplasty is a simple procedure that can fix the issues that arise from sinusitis.

Scottsdale doctor aims to 'make sure that patients are correctly diagnosed in all facets of the disease process that's affecting their quality of life'
Untreated sinusitis can affect more than just your sinuses; it could end up diminishing your quality of life. Dr. Brian Lee of Scottsdale Sinus and Allergy Center said his practice focuses on correctly diagnosing patients to improve every aspect of their lives.

Scottsdale doctor says balloon sinuplasty is 'one of the best ways to prevent infections'
Halloween is right around the corner, and for some, it can involve mingling with groups of people, which can be an extra risk for sinusitis sufferers. Dr. Brian Lee of Scottsdale Sinus and Allergy Center said an ENT specialist can help get sinuses back to their natural form.

Scottsdale doctor: 'You never want to wait until your sinuses are an absolute mess'
Sinusitis refers to anything that might cause inflammation in the sinuses. Dr. Brian Lee of Scottsdale Sinus and Allergy Center said if you wait too long to address sinus inflammation, your sinusitis could be more difficult to treat.

Scottsdale doctor says 'the vast majority of patients have some component of allergies'
With ragweed season in full swing, there are options available to patients that can help alleviate allergy symptoms. Dr. Brian Lee of Scottsdale Sinus and Allergy Center said it's important that they test for allergies, as most of their patients end up being candidates for treatment.

Scottsdale doctor: 'The vast majority of patients have some component of allergies contributing to their sinonasal issues'
With Scottsdale allergies being year round it's likely that those with sinusitis are having to deal with extra inflammation, especially in the more triggering months.